VIVIEN results

by ReettaK

The results of VIVIEN project can be downloaded from this page.

The Collection of Best Training Paths

It is a text collecting, analysing, comparing, evaluating Best Training Paths all over Europe, including the ones run during the project, to understand the key elements. You can download and read it in different languages:

Lessons Learned

Guidelines for planning and implementing sustainable training

These guidelines aim to summarize the key points that should be taken into account in the organization and implementation of training on gender-based violence, with particular focus on violence against women with disabilities.

Practical handbook: Learning paths for professionals working for preventing and combating violence and abuse against disabled women and girls

Reports of Visits

We have gathered four reports in best experiences in training for professionals in Europe. Download the reports of Differenza Donna (Italy, Rome), Femmes pour le Dire, Femmes pour Agir (FDFA), (France, Paris), Fundación cermi mujeres (Spain, Madrid) and Ninlil (Austria, Wien)

Report on training studies

Before starting the research and design of the training to be proposed to professionals inside VIVIEN project, it was necessary to carry out a critical analysis of the existing literature on training for professionals who work with women victim of violence. Based on the specific focus of the VIVIEN project, the analysis also addressed scientific publications concerning training for professionals dealing with women with disabilities who are victims of violence. More specifically, academic publications, published since 2012 to date has been taken into account, systematizing them on the basis of the types of professionals involved in the training, of the content proposed, the methodologies used and the results obtained.

The main results of the literature research can be downloaded from the link below:

Mapping best practices

The deliverable on best practices presented the results of the mapping of the best training courses aimed at professionals to develop their skills in support of women with disabilities who are victims of violence in Europe, in particular in the 4 countries involved in this project. The final objective was to highlight, for the geographical areas, the most important “experiences” and therefore to suggest their replicability.

The results of the mapping can be downloaded from the link below:

Report research

The aim of the research was to better understand which kind of knowledge, attitudes, believes and emotions distinguish trained and untrained professionals belonging to the four partner countries of the project (Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland and Italy).

This work was therefore specifically aimed at investigating the psychological precursors that can be the basis for building the supportive relationship, regardless of the specific professional skills of the participants. This aim was pursued through the implementation of two studies.

The first study investigated both attitudes, beliefs and representations of gender differences and relationships, as well as systems of meanings attributed to gender-based violence, in terms of understanding of the victim and aggressor, disabled victims, and secondary victimization risks.

In the second study, a projective interview was used, to measure more “implicit” dimensions like emotions, feelings and motivations that guide the professionals during their work with victims. In particular, the principal interest was on the comparison between trained and untrained professionals, or between who had already received a specific training on violence and colleagues who had not received a specific training in recent time.

The main results of the research can be downloaded from the link below:

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